FRIDAY!!! whew- we made it :-)
So in honor of my fav professor I bring you: Trust, Gratitude & Inspiration Friday (TGIF)
I'm Trusting: in my abilities as a social worker. There are days I have to take a deep breath and remind myself that I have a master's degree and 2 years of experience. That's not a whole lot, but it's enough for me to realize certain things in this profession ebb and flow. There's a rthym and cycle to this work. Each one is like the tide, bringing in new challenges and people, who stay for a time, then move on. My hope is that however long they are with us, these children experience a season of growth, and that when it's time for them to leave, they do so stronger than when they came to us.
I'm Grateful: For my kind and compassionate colleagues. They have been wonderfully understanding and supportive during an extremely rough week. I'm thankful to be working in an uplifting team of social workers and Christians. Also for the experiences I've had recently that remind me true growth does not take place on the 'mountain tops' but in the valleys.
I'm Inspired: By moments when things go awry. It makes me want to do better and gives me clarity for where I want to go both personally and professionally. It gives me an opportunity to reflect on what could have been done differently or more compassionately. I love this quote from Aragorn in Lord of the Rings: "A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day" (that's by J. R. Tolkien btw). In doing this work I see days when 'the courage of men fails' and it makes me want to step up and and step in on a very powerful level. That's why the more I do this work the more I want to be a foster parent one day.
Ok, so I'd realy love to know YOUR T.G.I.Fs! Please share below & have a GREAT weekend!!!
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